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WMG Spins the Wheel of Wisdom

November 04, 2018 4:01 PM | Deleted user

Nowhere else would you get unprecedented advice on six life matters in the span of two hours but WMG’s “Rise Up Roulette.” On Wednesday, October 10, all brains were ablaze and ears perked up for answers to questions on top talent recruitment, personal branding, meaningful transitions, crowdfunding, transforming passions into cash, attitude overhauls, and much more.

Presented in a contemporary format of learning in small groups for short spurts of time, “Rise Up Roulette” allowed 50 members to engage with a select band of bestselling authors and experts, who traveled from table to table to educate and inspire. Conversations were rich and resourceful to say the least—so much so that collectively, about 100 questions were addressed!

Here are a few highlights of the evening:

  • How to Network Like a Pro, with Kelly Hoey: Kelly, who has been hailed as “1 of 5 Women Changing the World of VC/Entrepreneurship” (Forbes) and one of the “25 Smartest Women on Twitter” (Fast Company), emphasized that networks must be created and cultivated thoughtfully. Each social media vehicle offers something different to your network; know your objectives before investing in each, and remember that in-person networking will still get you closer to big goals like finding investors. Her latest book is BUILD YOUR DREAM NETWORK. Quote of the eve: “Don’t deny your network the opportunity to help you.”

  • How to Figure Out Your Next Chapter, with Susan Gordon: Susan, the president and owner of Lynne Palmer Executive Recruitment, provided a guide for evaluating your next chapter. The five steps are: taking a personal assessment, doing research, planning your personal roadmap, knowing your story on why you’re changing paths, and ensuring you are ready to move forward by updating social media and joining new relevant groups. Quote of the eve: “Whatever you do for work, being happy is key!” 

  • How to Find Luck at Work, with Janice Kaplan: Janice, the author of 14 books and former editor-in-chief of Parade, advocated for being positive about where you are in any given moment, even in the trenches of a negative experience, because resentment or bitterness has dire consequences. She also suggested to always being open to unexpected directions because the outcome may be more fulfilling. Her latest book is HOW LUCK HAPPENS. Quote of the eve: “Gratitude can never be overrated or overstated.”

  • How to be Fearless, with Kate White: Kate, a New York Times bestselling author of several influential books for women and former editor-in-chief of five prestigious U.S. magazines, including Cosmopolitan for 14 years, stressed that courage is the hottest ticket in getting ahead. Exercising courage in your decision making, leadership style and goal setting will bring more satisfaction than stalling or avoidance. Her latest book is THE GUTSY GIRL HANDBOOK. Quote of the eve: “This is about taking a bolder, grittier, gutsier approach in your quest for career success.”

  • How to be Mentally Strong, with Amy Morin: Amy, a psychotherapist turned author and an instantly successful one, having started with an article that was read by 50 million people, shared a deeply personal story of tragedies leading to her optimum mental strength. She insisted that anyone can institute specific habits that breed mental strength fit for what could otherwise feel like an insurmountable odd. Her latest book is 13 THINGS MENTALLY STRONG WOMEN DON'T DO. Perhaps Amy’s most popular tip of the evening could be summarized in her quote: “Sometimes we think too much, wasting a lot of time on dread and anxiety.”

  • How to Cultivate and Work a Side Hustle, with Susie Moore: Susie, a high-performance coach and advisor to high-growth startups in Silicon Valley and New York City, described mesmerizing “side hustles,” or passions and interests yet to be explored for revenue. Spoken from a woman who has helped build three startups, all of which were sold, she advised to feel out your skill sets that could be used beyond your main career. Catering, organizing, and matchmaking in business and dating were just a few examples she discussed. Susie’s book is WHAT IF IT DOES WORK OUT? Quote of the eve: “If you are good at something, you may not need ‘credentials’ to build a side hustle.”

Thanks to Turn of the Corkscrew Books & Wine on hand to sell books and speakers’ willingness to connect with members beyond the event, this wheel of wisdom for WMG will continue to spin!

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