Nowhere else would you get unprecedented advice on six life matters in the span of two hours but WMG’s “Rise Up Roulette.” On Wednesday, October 10, all brains were ablaze and ears perked up for answers to questions on top talent recruitment, personal branding, meaningful transitions, crowdfunding, transforming passions into cash, attitude overhauls, and much more.
Presented in a contemporary format of learning in small groups for short spurts of time, “Rise Up Roulette” allowed 50 members to engage with a select band of bestselling authors and experts, who traveled from table to table to educate and inspire. Conversations were rich and resourceful to say the least—so much so that collectively, about 100 questions were addressed!
Here are a few highlights of the evening:
Thanks to Turn of the Corkscrew Books & Wine on hand to sell books and speakers’ willingness to connect with members beyond the event, this wheel of wisdom for WMG will continue to spin!
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