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  • Women and Money Part 2

Women and Money Part 2

  • March 08, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Wednesday, March 8, 12:00-1:00 p.m. ET

Free for WMG members, $15 for non-members

This program is designed for women working in corporate environments. It will focus on strategies for negotiating compensation, promotions, and career moves. It’s no secret that the pay gap is costing women hundreds of thousands of dollars, and sometimes even millions, over the course of their careers. Research shows that a major cause of the pay gap is women’s reluctance to negotiate on their own behalf. This combined with “discrimination” accounts for 40% of the pay difference. 

In this insightful panel, our experts will explore what causes women to feel awkward talking about money or asking for a raise. Panelists will share their perspective on raises and promotions from the other side of the negotiating table. They will provide practical advice on how women can better recognize and value their contributions and negotiate more effectively. Panelists will also answer questions from the audience. 


Bhavana Smith is the Founder of Until There Are Nine®, an organization whose purpose is to give women the power to advocate for their rightful share of compensation, rewards and professional advancement. Bhavana has spent 25+ years in marketing, advertising and consulting and in speaking to her friends and colleagues, realized the support system they each needed when it came to negotiating compensation. She wanted to find a way to share their lessons learned and their experiences with other women, after learning that reluctance to negotiate was a reason for the gender pay gap. Bhavana lives in NYC with her daughter and two dogs.  



Debbie Kemp is the Global Chief People Officer at Biz2Credit.  She has over 30 years experience crossing investment banking/securities, telecommunication, media, ecommerce, and executive recruiting industries. Debbie specializes in creating and delivering people strategies in fast paced environments enabling business growth and driving operational excellence. Debbie’s career is complemented by a Bachelor of Science in Communications degree from the University of Kansas. She is an active member of Until There Are Nine® and is an advisor to St. Francis, Streetwise, Pinnacle, and CICA.


Cynthia Medina Carson, CEO Wager is a salary transparency maven, career guru, organizational growth gxpert and next generation workforce advocate. Cynthia started Wager because she saw firsthand how the lack of transparency and conversations created barriers and anxiety in the workplace. Prior to her move into the talent field, Cynthia worked as an international relations and policy expert for the Department of Treasury, Homeland Security and JP Morgan, and served in Peace Corps, Nicaragua. Cynthia is also the Founder of the Cheeky Monkey Club, a networking group for women who hate to network, is a Board member of her hometown’s Girls Inc., and hosts a makerspace in her basement studio. She is a graduate of Georgetown University and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.


Melissa Carson is the author of A Perfect Life is Not the Goal and There is No Such Thing as a Perfect Job. With over 25 years as a global HR leader for large, successful organizations, Melissa is now focused on partnering with fast-growing small to mid-size organizations. She works with individual leaders by helping them understand what she calls their “imperfection gremlins” so they can get above the day-to-day of their lives, see the full view, set a strategic direction for themselves and their teams, and be more intentional in their approaches. She lives in Delaware with her husband, high school senior daughter and college freshman son.

All proceeds from this event support the Women's Media Group Educational Foundation.

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