Important update:
Given the state of the city, and erring on the side of caution, we are postponing WMG March and April events, including our Annual Business Meeting that had been scheduled for 3/24, until we can safely gather again as a community. All members who've already registered for our luncheon at Barbetta will have refunds issued shortly.
As one key agenda item for the Annual Business Meeting is to vote in the board of directors for 2020–21, we’ll instead move to a proxy vote to be conducted online. You can expect to see an email from WMG on 3/24 to cast your vote on the slate recommended by the nominating committee.
We're evaluating options for taking some of our programming online, so stay tuned for further announcements and opportunities to connect....
If you have specific concerns, please email us at info@womensmediagroup.com.

Location: Barbetta / 321 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036
Cost: $65
Members only
Treat yourself to a very special lunch in the exceptionally beautiful back room of female-owned Barbetta on Restaurant Row!
Join us in honoring the WMG Woman of the Year Joni Evans! Not only was Joni one of the original founders of the Women’s Media Group in the early 1970s, her publishing career includes serving as Publisher of Simon and Schuster and Random House, and VP and senior literary agent at the William Morris Agency. In the digital age, her entrepreneurial spirit led her to founding wowOwow.com with Mary Wells Lawrence, Lesley Stahl, and Liz Smith, and co-founding www.PureWow.com a lifestyle website for women which grew out of wowOwow.
Joni Evans will be interviewed by our very own Dee Dee DeBartlo. And we assure you that our honoree will provide inspiring stories about her incredible career speak about how the landscape for women in media has changed over the years and highlight what it means to be a powerful woman in the workplace.

Bring a book wrapped in a plain manila envelope and let your tablemates know what makes it special and why they'll love it.
Our networking lunch is always a high point of the year that affirms our bond continuity and growth as a community.
This is also our annual business meeting where we vote in the new board, welcome new members, and ask for new committee volunteers.
We look forward to seeing you there!
This lunch is for members only.