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BEYOND THE BOOK: How Authors, Publishers and Agents are Developing New Revenue Streams

  • April 11, 2019
  • 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Penguin Random House, 1745 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Maya Angelou Auditorium
  • 137


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Podcasts, online courses, webinars, partnerships, and innovative events are leading the way to new revenue streams and increased brand awareness for top authors, publishers, and agents. This panel will explore how they’re delivering value to their audiences and expanding their platform by developing new models for paid content in a world saturated with free information.

We’ll take a close look at:

  • Smart and creative ways authors are branching out
  • New audience and platform benchmarks that must be reached to turn a significant profit
  • Investment needed to effectively market content beyond the book
  • How authors are partnering with publishers, agents, brands, and businesses.

Kathy Doyle is Vice President, Podcasts, for Macmillan Publishers. She oversees Macmillan Podcasts and the Quick and Dirty Tips Podcast Network, which produce current shows with authors and hosts from a variety of genres and Macmillan imprints. She joined Macmillan in 2012, after spending the earlier part of her career launching digital-media properties for companies like Dow Jones and The Wall Street Journal, and American Lawyer Media.

Christy Fletcher is the Founder and CEO of Fletcher & Company, a literary management company based in New York. The company, founded in 2003, is dedicated to a practice of providing high level creative and strategic support to their clients, across a wide variety of media. Fletcher’s clients include a range of writers and public figures, including Gretchen Rubin, Chip & Dan Heath, Eric Ries, Melissa Hartwig Urban/Whole30, novelist Daniel Mason, essayist Alan Jacobs, political commentator Rick Wilson, among others.

Joan O’Neil is Vice President, Skillsoft Books, the global leader in eLearning. Prior to joining Skillsoft, Joan worked at Wiley, where she led many successful initiatives to develop new business models beyond the book. She spearheaded the creation of the publishing group, Knowledge & Learning, and also led it as EVP. Joan was also was instrumental in leading Wiley’s fast-growing eLearning business, Wiley Efficient Learning, and the Next Gen WileyPLUS platform strategy serving the educational and academic markets. Many of Wiley’s bestselling authors and brands are currently sold to Skillsoft customers through Skillsoft’s eLearning platform Percipio.

Moderator: Stephanie Bowen is Senior Manager, Publishing Development & Author Platforms at Penguin Random House. She works with authors and their agents across Penguin Random House’s publishing imprints to connect with existing and new audiences by developing digital content products related to their books. Stephanie also serves on the Women’s Media Group Programming Committee. Previously, she was a senior editor at Tarcher and Sourcebooks.

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